Matthew Stafford Smiles After Donating $15,000 Auction Item

Detroit Lions Quarterback Matthew Stafford surprised patrons last weekend at the Griese-Hutchinson-Woodson Champions for Children’s Hearts auction event, when he won a Monday Night Football Package that included tickets to his own game, beating other interested parties with a $15,000 bid.

Matthew Stafford with Will

The event was raising money for the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, and had many patients in attendance. Prior to the auction, Stafford had spent time befriending Mott’s patient Faith Falzone and her brother Will – both big Detroit Lions fans. After winning the package, Stafford promptly turned to Will and gave him the entire MNF package, saying, “There you go buddy, you go to Chicago, and take your family.”

With a tearful hug from Will and his family, and a standing ovation from the crowd, Stafford still reacts to the event with humility:

“They have been through so much in the past couple years, and to see how much they all supported each other and faith through their tough times was really inspiring,” Stafford said in a text message. “I wanted to give them something they could really be excited about and something I know they deserved.”

Stafford not only donated game tickets and $15,000 to an excellent cause, he changed the lives of a family that has been through so much.

Winspire Communications Director

About Ian Lauth

Ian Lauth has been working to help Nonprofits maximize their fundraising revenue since early 2012 when he was hired by Winspire to develop external communications, brand expansion and product delivery processes. You can also find Ian on Google+.

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