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Millennials are a tough bunch to appeal to. Born between the early 80’s and late 90’s, this hyper-connected group spends most of their day consuming media and has a higher tendency to multitask – meaning they’re more easily distracted.
This group of 18-36 year-old young professionals, also known as Generation Y, have also expanded their spending power and social influence in recent years, becoming a crucial target for growing businesses and Nonprofits alike, to showcase nonprofit auction items. This means that while this demographic cohort may be harder to reach, the payoff for actually getting through to them may be well worth the investment.
In a 2012-13 survey report conducted by Achieve and Johnson, Grossnickle & Associates (JGA) concluded that Millennials are eager to be taken seriously as future donors, volunteers and leaders for causes they care about. The problem is many Nonprofits have difficulty cutting through the constant onslaught of attention-grabbing media to connect with these individuals.
So how do you reach these multitasking, hyper-connected young professionals who want to help? It’s no surprise that the shift has moved online, where Millennials consume a vast majority of their content.
The following infographic outlines the findings of the JGA study investigating Millennial preferences for how they want to be reached:

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