Saint Clair Shores Senior Activity Center Raffle: June 23, 2011
We wanted to share this exciting success story from one of our clients which illustrates how Non-Profit organizations can use Winspire to help raise money. We are proud to be associated with St. Clair Shores Senior Activity Center and look forward to working with them again in the future.

In late February of this year, Saint Clair Shores Senior Activity Center in Michigan didn’t have enough money to put together a fundraising event and was getting ready to lay off yet another employee. We discussed with them the possibility of holding a raffle, a fundraiser requiring little or no money that can have big returns.
In late April, they decided to give it a try. Choosing from Winspire’s list of inspired packages, they decided to raffle off a 3-night luxury stay for 2 in Las Vegas with VIP Tickets to see Celine Dion, which they thought would have wide appeal to their donor base. Saint Clair Shores started selling tickets for $10, and by June 22nd, they had sold a total of 1,810 tickets and made an unprecedented $18,100! The drawing took place with a city official pulling the winning ticket.
After accounting for the cost of the package, Saint Shores Senior Center made over $15,000. Another piece of good news- they were able to retain the employee they had planned to lay off!