We are excited to introduce a new free resource for Nonprofits who want to acquire better items for their live and silent auctions.
Charity auctions can be a great way for Nonprofits to raise more money in a short period of time. They also provide a valuable opportunity for you and your staff to rub shoulders with donors at a social event and make personal connections.
Both of these aspects are crucial to the success of your fundraising effort, and both depend on the quality of charity auction items you offer at your event. Auction items need to be exciting, appealing and valuable enough so that your donors will want to bid on them… and bid a lot!
The process of acquiring items for your live and silent auction is not easy. Even with a dedicated and experienced team, it’s easy to fall short of your procurement goals. We often hear about auction committees who successfully brainstorm a long list of auction items many months in advance, only to find out a few weeks before their event that no one has been able to procure the items they had hoped for.
Solving for this comes down to developing a competent procurement strategy, building an effective procurement team and preparing them with the tools to succeed.
This free eBook offers tips for making the auction item procurement process more efficient, more effective and easier for your entire team.

In this free eBook you will learn:
- How to build an effective procurement team
- Which items sell above value vs. below value
- Tips for brainstorming with your committee
- Developing an auction item procurement packet
- Procurement Letter and Donation Form TEMPLATES
- Teaching your procurement team how to “Ask” for donations
- …and plenty more!
Get a Free Event Consultation!
Talk to one of our professional Event Consultants for more advice on how to throw a successful fundraising event and strengthen your donor relationships.